Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Inspiration new concept your House Design

For us ordinary people might be a bit difficult to understand why there must always be the new home design, both exterior and interior. But, another problem for architects. As with other creative professionals, is the architect of abstinence for repeating the same design. They will always try to explore something new.

   Especially in big cities. Efforts to find a new home design has become a challenge, either because the land increasingly narrow, increasingly crowded environment, changing climate, increasingly expensive cost of living, or because the higher the price of building materials. The new design tries to cope with various challenges it with the ultimate goal: occupancy remains able to meet the needs of our humanity.

   Another developer. For them a new home design is the selling tool. Especially for developers and middle-upper middle class housing. If design is the same house from time to time, most likely they are difficult to market. The reason, has become a character among middle-and high above us, uncomfortable with the house when his house on the block earlier.

    However, here too the contradiction. There are always new models but is not actually a new design except for modifications to the facade. Plan layout more or less the same as houses in the block or the previous cluster. Traders have always thought so many times to spend money again to make new designs. Efficiency is the sacred mantra of the developer. Thus, renewal of real estate at homes mostly just cosmetic.

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