Monday, April 18, 2011

Hyde Park Home Renovations...part deux

This was scary... all of that wood outside? That is my HOUSE. The demolition has been "a little" more invasive than I had imagined. I remember the time I naively asked my builder if we could live in the house during the renovations. I don't know how she managed to control herself from laughing. Before - master bedroom & closet area...

and post demolition... before bathroom...
Post demo - no more bathroom and the site of my future kitchen! Check out the ceilings... sky high. The ceilings are higher than I expected, but I love them. before... living and dining. (that's my 5 year old... practicing her best moves in the wide open spaces of the empty house)

and post demo.... no more walls or ceilings. Glad we took pictures. !

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