Monday, June 27, 2011

Modern Livingroom

Every home - depending on the type of house types - can display the different living room. For example, American-style houses, patio shades of cream is very thick. In this room, American style can be created by presenting a plain brown sofa sofa combined with floral color matching. Paint must also be cream-colored walls to make the room seem warm.

On the right and left the couch, give a standing light (lamp stands) with a painting hanging on the walls. Lighting is also dominated by the classical chandelier in the middle of the space that combine elements of the iron rod-shaped leaves with clean white lampshades. In this room also provided a room divider with gold and brown.

The living room can be presented with a semi-classic shades of lime green-filled sofa three seats combined with a single chair (sofa one base) color broken white linen. Round coffee table made from pewter or some sort of black aluminum and mahogany will complement the arrangement in space. Realize the element length as a chest of drawers to put your item collection. On both sides of the light given three seat sofa corner. Impression of a warm country living can also be presented through the use of parquet flooring (wood) and cowhide rugs are spread out under the coffee table.

The living room like an oriental style Chinese culture is very familiar with the use of red, golden yellow, and black in every room of the house. For it is not surprising that the living room brings the oriental style peculiar to the Chinese-painted murals on canvas colored red.

Three seat sofa in black with red accents on the pillows, sofa paired with a gold colored holder. Among the couch put the red color light with a series of artificial flowers. Paint the walls are also painted with pastel yellow color.

Living room with a touch of modern style is perfect for those who want a room that is simple and clean. You can buy furniture that lined modern design with a minimum knacks. Color broken white sofa, matching cream-colored walls with floors, brown coffee table combined with the color beige. To give a fresh impression, give a touch of green presented by the plants in pots placed in a corner table. Like other modern styles, all the furniture in the room must have a function.

So no problems deciding the style of your living room, the following quick tips arrange the living room. First, the living room area of ​​land cultivated does not take much of the overall area of ​​your home. This is because the room was rarely used, so do not be too big. For it was better furniture that is functional just like the sofa and single chair. As its function to receive guests, create warmth and kinship, namely by applying a light color. Use lighting that is also warm to give a friendly impression. If possible even better if it could memasimalkan natural light to create an opening or a large window.

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