Monday, June 7, 2010

House Painting Ideas

Interior painting can transform your house completely. You can change a distressed and boring room into a bright and cheerful place, by just painting it. Interior paints if chosen properly, can give you the perfect ambiance and warmth. Before you begin to paint the interior of your house, you must take certain things like the appropriate paint for the rooms into consideration. Here are some house painting ideas, that you may go through, in order to get an idea on how to paint the interiors of your house.
  • Before you begin to paint the interior rooms of your house you must make some interior painting preparation like measuring the room you want to paint, the texture and color of the paint, and the amount of paint required, etc. Before you get to the real task of painting, make sure that you have shifted or at least covered the furniture with sheets to prevent them from getting covered with splotches of paint.
  • There are various types of paints to suit your needs and may come in the budget you have planned. Paints come in two forms; latex paints, also known as water based paints, and oil paints. Choose the appropriate type of paint that you require. But you must ensure that the combination of color shades should match the furniture in the room. You can also refer to Internet to know more about interior paint combinations.
  • Once you've chosen the correct paint for your room, you can follow the interior painting procedure to paint the room. Before painting the walls, scrub off all the old paint using a sand paper or scrubber. Apply a coat of primer to the walls and allow it to dry before applying the next coat of paint. Follow the same brush strokes while painting the room. Avoid using different strokes of the paint brush, as it may spoil the look of the walls.
  • You can paint the walls according to your choice by using some techniques like faux painting, rubber stamping, wall stenciling, etc. in order to beautify your house.

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