Friday, January 1, 2010

Decorating Interior

1. How To Clean Your Cane Suite

Cleaning your cane suite is a great idea, as can is very resilient.

To clean cane and prevent it from yellowing, douse a stiff brush in a solution of warm water, lemon juice and salt, and scrub the cane well.

Tighten up sagging cane chairs by sponging the top and undersides of the seats with hot and soapy water to which you’ve added a few spoonfuls of salt.

Rinse with a clean wet cloth and allow drying in the sun.

When almost dry, cover the cane with a towel and run a hot iron over it.

Walls offer the most exciting design possibilities.

A vast variety of wall papers are available on the market, be it exotic futuristic or traditional.

2. Tip on Curtains

Curtains do not have to be that expensive to have an appealing look.

Buy inexpensive off-white cotton. Have it quilted and thickly interlined. It looks luxurious and the effect is great.

Small details are important. So often we use tiebacks or push backs on curtains. Make sure not to put them too high. Fix them low, and the look is much more elegant.

Quilted fabrics can be used on chairs and sofas too.

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