Friday, January 15, 2010

Modern Interior Design

There are many different approaches to interior design, from traditional looking homes, period homes and then the ultra futuristic and everything in between! Yet one of the most popular design styles always remains to be a 'modern living' look.
To some people a 'modern' house just means minimalism with all the latest gadgetry and nothing more, however modernism is really so much more than that. It is set apart from a lot of interior design styles in that it is ever changing; Modern today is not modern tomorrow.
Modern interior design trends incorporate ideas and methods from other design styles as they come and go from fashion, as such it is often difficult for you to decorate a room in a modern style without making a choice of what modern styles you like or dislike yourself.
When it comes to colours used in modern design there is always two constants, black and white. White is used excessively in modern designs, simply because it is never a colour that goes out of fashion and always gives a fresh and up to date feel. The same is true for black, although the amount of black used can vary widely.
Currently however light pastel colours are heavily being used, especially as accent colours in a white room. This combination gives a grand illusion of space, making any room look larger and giving it greater depth. When combined with clever use of mirrors and other reflective pieces of furniture this can really combine to give a stunning look.

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