Friday, January 1, 2010

Interior Decorating Style

How to achieve the clean. serene look of Japanese style in your home. Using a few accents to create this effect. How Japanese culture affects Japanese design.

Using some Japanese decorating details in your home's decor will absolutely transform its look. Japanese decorating automatically adds a calm and serene beauty to your surroundings. Even just a few details from this school of design will help to change your home and help it to reflect a less hectic lifestyle.

It does not take a professional decorator to achieve this transformation from frantic to serene. It just requires a investment of time and money (and not much of either) to learn about the style and obtain some Japanese decorative items. How do you achieve a Japanese look in a room or home? Let's look at the culture of Japan to get some clues. The Japanese culture is based on formal. polite. calm manner of doing just about everything. This is reflected in their home design. Very simple designs. without a lot of color or detail. is the hallmark of Japanese design. The Japanese decorate with a few sleek pieces. such as mats and screens in simple fabrics and designs. It is more important to choose the right item or artifact than to have a lot of different things in the room.

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