Friday, January 15, 2010

Interior Decoration Courses

Be part of a team made of young International designers and start creating and developing a project in Milan, the cutting edge of creativity!
NABA - New Academy of Fine Arts - offers a wide choice of Summer courses in Interior and Product Design at two levels: Introduction and Studio.
If you have just finished highschool and your dream is to be an Interior designer Introduction to Interior Design Course (from June 30th to July 11th) is what you are looking for. Start your personal research, recognize the different typologies of living spaces and interact with the city in order create your own interior lay out through drawings, pictures and texts!
And if you are already an interior design student, do not miss the chance to stimulate your creativity and improve your knowledge getting new inputs from NABA instructors, who are all professionals actively working in the world of Design, and apply for Interior Design Studio Course (from July 15th to July 25th). You will develop your project starting from your own research and will be led by instructors to the presentation of your project through digital media and hand drawing.
Have you ever asked yourself how objects are designed and created? Have you ever thought what a design process is? Enrol to Introduction to Product Design (from June 30th to July 11th) and let creativity lead you through the development of your project from a white sheet of paper to a final presentation in digital format.

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